ClickCease Killing All Bed Bugs with Chemical-free Heat in Honolulu and Everywhere on Oahu: Wela Pest Control 808-286-1864

Steps for safely shopping second hand

by Tommy Underhill, GreenTech Heat
March 23, 2021

We’ve written about the pitfalls that you can encounter when finding that second-hand treasure. Knowing what to look for when it comes to bed bugs (and other insects!), odors, allergens, molds, and bacteria can make all the difference between scoring a find and inviting a nightmare into your home. My wife sent me a WebMD article about second-hand items, and I’d like to share a few relevant points with you.

Whereas the article specifically focuses on thrift store, I want to expand the concept to furniture, electronics, or clothing from friends, “free” items found on the curb, second-hand computers and electronics, and garage sale treasures.

Do: Sniff out thirdhand smoke

GreenTech Heat Solutions technology eliminates cigarette odors.

This is what smoking leaves behind in clothes, furniture, curtains, and pretty much everything else. It builds up over time and can last for weeks. Stay away from items you know came from the home of someone who smoked. Since you don’t always know for sure, it’s best to give everything you buy used a thorough cleaning.

A heat treatment eliminates odors in all items. When you get a heat treatment, the treatment temperatures will denature the chemical basis of cigarette smoke, and the aggressive airflow will help drive the particles out of the items.

Do: Eliminate urine smells

Urine from pets or children can deeply penetrate an otherwise beautiful piece of furniture. It’s not a situation solely unique to second-hand items— I’ve had to deal with this reality in my own furniture and rugs while raising my own children and owning cats and dogs!

Do: Wash and dry clothes and linens

Concerned about bedbugs? You probably should be. Your best defense against bringing bed bugs into your home with thrift store clothes is to stick them straight into the dryer. Washing alone won’t kill bed bugs or their eggs. Run everything through on high heat for at least 30 minutes.

Do: Look for bedbugs in furniture

Know what to look for when searching for bed bugs in furniture. Bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed and can crawl into the tiniest seam or crack and go several months. They can be in most types of used furniture, but you’re more likely to find them in mattresses or items with soft fabrics and deep crevasses, like sofas and overstuffed chairs. Looking for bugs, eggs, and fecal spots, which look like tiny black dots.

Do: Know your allergies

GreenTech Heat Solutions technology eliminates allergens and microbes.

If you’re allergic to dogs or cats, it’s probably the dried skin flakes, known as dander, that affect you. It easily clings to clothes and other fabrics. Look for hair or fur as a warning sign. Washing clothes and linens will help eliminate the allergy. And furniture made of wood is a lot easier to clean than an upholstered sofa or chair.

Do: Leave electronics and purses in a heat treatment

GreenTech Heat Solutions technology safely kills bed bugs and other pests in electronics.

Our Technical Director told me a story of a gal who needed a repeat heat treatment because the bed bugs came back. As our Director set up the repeat treatment, he watched her take her purse from the house. He politely asked if he could take a peek inside... low and behold, he found hundreds of bed bugs and eggs! Don’t assume bed bugs infest only your furniture. Do assume they’re everywhere and in everything. Leave those things they might infest in the heat treatment for a 100% kill.

Heat will make your home or business a better place by killing bed bugs and other insects, dust mites, bacteria and other microbes. Trust Wela Pest Control to kill all your insect and microbial pests. We do it right and do it safely the first time— in a single one-day treatment that even prevents an immediate reinfestation by killing all the eggs. Call us at 808-286-1864 safely kill all your bed bugs with heat today.


Don’t take our word for it

I want to let you know how effective your heat treatment was in eliminating a significant bed bug infestation in a condo I was servicing. Within four (4) hours, the condo in question was completely free of bedbugs and other pests. This saved the sale of the condo. Great professional service.

Neal Fineman
5 Stars: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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